Finding our way back to Windhoek was just as adventurous as making it to Wolwedans; more gravel roads and the cherry, another flat tire. Even though it was a long journey the amount of life and excitement we experienced was well worth it.

We then headed Munich to see some family and perhaps a chance at a Maß or two. I just hope the folks can keep up!
After a 10 hour flight from Windhoek to Munich we headed for Oma's tiny little town to rest and relax with some family. I always
love heading back where I spent all of my childhood summers playing on tractors, running through corn fields and wandering in the woods.
It seems that every time I return to this village everything has gotten smaller. I have to duck to get through the doorway and almost bow to get into the kitchen. Even the local bakery is a few steps closer. Nonetheless, this is a wonderful place and I hope to come back as often as possible.

After the visits with all cousins and their kids, uncles and aunts we were on our way to Munich for Oktoberfest, my first one ever. Mom and Dad were up for the challenge and that weekend we toured the tents, pretzel and sausage
stands all the while hunting for a Dirndl. I would love a German passport.
With Mom and Dad flying back home I knew it would be another year before seeing them again. It was great to see them and strengthen our relationship. A lot changes in a year.