The entire trek was 3 days. We left Toronto International at 2300 off to Amsterdam. In total there were 14 of us heading in the same direction. Our first flight went smoothly arriving 6 hours later in Amsterdam's Shipol Airport. We decided to take advantage of our 8 hour layover and explore Amsterdam. We said our goodbyes to those heading to Ghana.
From the Airport we took a short 10-minute train ride into the city. As soon as we arrived we noticed how many bicycles and bicycle locks there were. They were everywhere. We strolled around and found Amsterdam to be a beautiful old city criss-crossed with canals. Definitely worth a revisit in the future.
After killing enough time, we boarded our 8-hour flight to Nairobi, Kenya. Everyone was tired and was hoping to catch some sleep. I did manage to sleep, but not nearly enough. So far all my meals consisted of in-flight food. I welcomed it only because I had no idea when my next real feast would be.
Another smooth flight and landing, now we were in Nairobi. But there has to be a hick-up somewhere. Any time now. And it happened in Nairobi. Carla left her passport in the seat pocket
in front of her. She noticed right after we left the gate.
The 1-hour flight from Nairobi to Dar Es Salaam took us right over Africa's highest point, Mount Kilimanjaro.
After arriving in Tanzania, and managing only to succeed in getting a visitors Visa and not a Working Visa, we were greeted by Jessica and Lindsey, our project leaders who have been in Morogoro for over 1 year.
We were all very tired and in need of a long lala fofofo, a deep sleep. YCI had arranged for us to stay in a guest house for a few days to help acclimatize. Definitely a great idea.
But it is HOT!
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