Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Still in the Bush

So now I really don't have a good excuse. No sharks, no buses and no border crossings.

The lodge is coming to life. Finally all major buildings have been finished and the few remaining projects, IT, pathways and landscaping details are underway. All we need are guests! No doubt we are all waiting for our first full house.

The snake park curator is busy catching snakes, scorpions and freeing snared warthogs. There are bushmen who live around the area and our fences make perfect routes for placing snares on game trails. Definitely a problem and our anti-poaching drives are trying to catch the culprits.

I went on a full moon game drive with another conservation worker. It's quite amazing how much you can see in the bush with a full moon. Even some animals wandering around; kudu, giraffe, oryx, and more. And the birds. There are so many birds here.

It hasn't rained since early March and the bush is slowly thinning and dulling to brown. This is the best time to see the animals as the water holes start drying up and only a few main water holes remain full.


And then the have to see them for yourself. Learning all new constellations and can't resist looking up every night I walk home. But also down to avoid stepping on anything.


Sosa said...

Q! How I love your blog. So glad to hear you're doing well. This sounds like the most amazing trip EVER! I can't wait till you're home and to see all your pictures. Much love, sosa

Julie said...

Hey Quentin, c'est Julie :) I'll write you in french, just in case you're losing it and can't understand french movie like "RRRRRRR" anymore.... ;)
J'en reviens toujours pas, ca va faire presque 1 an que tu es là bas! c'est fou!!! J'ai vu Mike en fin de semaine pour le concert de Pat à Ottawa. Il manquait toi par contre! J'espère que tu continues à profitez de chaque jour. Living the dream xoxoxox