Friday, January 8, 2010

First Impression

Well, after some difficult good-byes at Mokuti it was off to Chengdu, China.

Our GM had friends from Munich visiting for NYE and they would be on the same flight back to Munich. That meant some company and some entertainment to shorten the 10 hour flight.

I stayed overnight in Munich to break up the flight and met up with friends to continue the fun into the evening. We were deep into beer and Schweinshaxe. Delicious!

The next day I made it on a flight to Chengdu over Beijing.

Chengdu is in the Southwest of China in Sichuan province. The city has a population of 15 million! The country of Namibia only 2.1 million. What was I getting myself into. There was definitely no scenery here.

And that is the first thing you notice. I was now in a city. Trucks, cars, mopeds and pedestrians whistled in and out of traffic to get where they needed to go. My driver's palm rested continuously on the centre of the steering wheel as his use of the horn was frequent. This was an aggressive place. Get in front or lose it all.

I made myself comfortable in my new quarters and was ready to see what this place had to offer. That meant dreary skies, no sun, fog, spitting people and more honking horns.

Friday, January 1, 2010

SOLD OUT!! the bush!

The lodge is sold out and there is a party in every bar. People are having a great time and this is life. Even if my camera is no longer in my possession with two years worth of photos.

There's an exciting move happening in January: China. I will be backing up my photos.

Stay tuned...